Our MOTO: Lebenszeichen – Signs of life Searching for creative energy!
Cardboardia is a young country without territory, but with its own traditions and history. Personages of Cardboardia, citizens of this country, are looking for different ways on materializing Cardboardia and digging the only possible natural resource in a country without territory – creative energy.
Tyran of Cardboardia, elected head of the country, proposes to the Personages to open a Cardboardia Embassy in Berlin and to establish the first Cardboardia office on the territory of Germany.
«Office for creative energy» will give a lot of jobs to members of
Lichtenberg local communities in Berlin. It may be tough, but people can come and try to go through a bureaucratic quest to get the job!
You can fill the form in advance if you want to participate in this great project
from October 8th to October 17th. Of course, all people who are inspired now can try to come anyway!
Every office needs to create a product! All people who will work in the Cardboardia office will focus on the main task - to dig out the creative energy of Berlin Hohenschönhausen.
We plan
to build a Giant Mobile Bureaucratic Machine (GMBM) that can search for specific places and people and is permanently "digging" for creative energy.
The office will have an open house for the public, for families living in Berlin, and we will use the GMBM and other special machines to communicate with all our guests, scan and explore what they think about creativity and living together in a creative and vibrant community.
Personages of Cardboarida, citizens of Berlin and any other guests from all over the world who are not afraid to join the office will try to receive the creative energy! A part of it will go to the Cardboardia State and a part will stay with the participants as a remuneration!
Join us and become a Personage of Cardboardia, make stuff and vote for Tyran!
During 10 days we invite you to participate, we will: 1) Build a giant office land out of cardboard, objects, costumes and props;
2) create street performances and games;
3) communicate and play together;
4) and have very strange experiences and become a community and family!