The question raised in the "City" program package respond to the sphere of interests/activity of Cardboardia. For the years of our activity we have been researching similar questions and we have an experience to share.
Travelling around the world we studying local communities, focusing on small towns and villages. We integrate into local communities to better understand their particularities and to understand their self-identification. Usually we do a public event: festival, interactive street performance, sometimes we make a venue as a part of a festival, but all this events are preceded by a set of workshops with local people , we are developing the concept of the project and making the script and create content of event, together we build decorations and props. Cardboardia team is always mixed: local people and visitors, professional artists, performers and people from different professional fields passionate by action in life.
Workshops are focused on basic skills of design, working with cardboard, event and festival management and organizing public events as well as performing and circus skills. But it not about teaching - we create space Cardboardia Laboratory or Cardboardia Embassy, where people can communicate on one level, not stressed by everyday worries, share experience, help each other. Our main goal is to find local people and projects to inspire and develop. Projects and people we are interested in could be different: artists, performers, entrepreneurs, makers, social activists, anyone with passion to create! We believe that after this people will contribute back to local community as well to International community of personages of Cardboardia.